Can-Do Books

The art and science of Can-do-ology

“In The Can-Do Mindset, Denise Gabel provides a model for living a more successful and fulfilling life—both personally and professionally.”

— Bill Stainton, CSP, CPAE, Hall of Fame Speaker

Spend an hour with Denise Gabel. It will change your life. Imagine what reading this book can do.

Denise is a Can-do-ologist™. Didn’t know that was a thing? Well, you will soon, as you learn how anything is possible with a can-do mindset. Her hand is stretched out, inviting you to stand in your authentic power, generate your own happiness, and help your company create a vibe that attracts Can-doers.

  • Empower you to take action, even during times when it’s hard to realize that can is still in your vocabulary. Trust me, it never left.

  • Uncover how the greatest power that you have isn’t perfected in a gym . . . it is built from within. There is power in choice—more power than you know.

  • Give you permission to focus on accomplishing the right things, despite the circumstances..

Are you ready?

The Can-do Mindset will . . .

Imagine what living with a can-do mindset can do for you. Denise knows the possibilities that await. She lives this and helps others live it, too.

Let’s see what you can do! Hint: Anything is possible!

Can-do-ology is about getting the right things done, despite the circumstances.

Are you a Can-doer? Have you ever even heard of the word? The Can-Do Mindset inspires Can-doers—as well as those aspiring to be—with tangible tools and insights to fail forward and always be a part of solutions. Life happens to all of us, but Can-doers know that no matter the situation, the only person holding you back is you.

Can-doers don’t work alone. You need encouragement too.

Can-doers don’t hoard their gifts; they share. In fact, they embrace everyone’s gifts and together, can create magic. We call that a can-do-et—a partnership based on encouragement and collaboration—and the book is destined to inspire can-do-ets in all aspects of your life— personally and professionally. When Can-doers unite, beautiful things happen.

You can choose a choice. And when you do, it’s a gift.

Everything in life comes down to a choice that only you can make. Each situation you face offers a slew of choices to choose from. While you can’t control life, you can control how you show up to it. In The Can-Do Mindset, Denise shares the power of a choice and how your choices allow you to stand in your authentic power and be you.

Praise for The Can-Do Mindset: How to Make Things Happen . . . with Enthusiasm

American Book Fest Best of Awards

 Your can-do journey begins with the book but doesn’t stop there. In fact, Denise has oodles of resources to help you practice what you’ve learned in the Can-Doodle Toolkit.

Sneak peak of Book #2!

What’s better than a can-do mindset?
An organization that has embraced a can-do-culture!

Can-doers know the power of can. But what if the rest of the world isn’t in sync with all that can … well … can do? What if your company doesn’t live by the can-do-ology principles or, deep breath, what if your direct leader and/or the organization’s leadership team aren’t can-doers? What if you are a leader and you have an amazing team filled with can-doer potential?!

So many questions. So many cans.

Imagine the power … the possibilities … the innovation … the progress a team of can-doers, a sea of can-do-ets, and an organization that embodies a can-do-culture can make happen!

Denise Gabel’s forthcoming book, The Can-Do-Culture, hinges on one permanent, and many times annoying, constant … change. By its very definition, a Can-Do-Culture bets on change and profits from it.  

  • This is a culture of shared responsibility and shared trust.

  • It’s a culture of trial and error and realizing that the best learnings come from perceived failures.

  • It’s a culture where input and ideas are welcomed, where strengths are nurtured, and where stuff. gets. done.

In organizations that adopt a Can-Do-Culture, ideas are prioritized and resources are aligned with driving change — forward.